Employee communications

Site Web - Employee CommunicationsEmployee communications (also referred to as internal communications) are of considerable importance. They help individuals and groups coordinate activities with a view to accomplishing  goals, and they are crucial to the conduct of sensitive processes of enterprises, including socialisation, decision-making, problem-solving, and change management.

Viewed from an employee perspective, internal communications are the best way to receive information on jobs, trainings, organizational changes and the environment of the enterprise. But there is a lot more to it than that. Such communications enable people to express their feelings, hopes and ambitions, and are able to actively contribute to raising their sense of motivation, trust and engagement, which in turn has an impact on the satisfaction of customers, the performance of the enterprise and on the relations with other external stakeholders (e.g., the investors).

Here too, the pressures of the digital arena made themselves felt with the arrival of the enterprise social networks about ten years ago. Having said that, the decision to use an enterprise social network is to be duly considered ahead of time, in consideration of its ability to improve work practices (e.g., reduction of e-mail congestion) on the one hand and in consideration of employees’ needs on the other, but equally by considering its professional use, that is to say communication, collaboration, social knowledge management, etc.

In any event, all internal communication channels need to be given the same livery and need to be closely examined before they are used and committed as part of a global strategy.

Range of services offered by Eurolife

  • Assessment of existing communication processes (encoding of messages, sending messages via selected channels, decoding of messages by receivers, feedback loop), communication levels (interpersonal, group and organisational levels), communication networks (formal and informal communication networks; downward, upward, horizontal and diagonal flows), communication channels (print channels such as memos, newsletters, policy manuals; electronic channels such as intranets, enterprise social networks, business TV; and interpersonal channels including team meetings, social events, etc. ).
  • Analysis of the needs of the various types of staff: workers, team leaders, managers, executive committee members, members of the Board.
  • Devising optimised or new communication plans.
  • Creating digital content; writing speeches, staff newsletters’ content; organising social events, etc.